Spectrum (Undergraduate Research Journal) Project Editor (DUE Sept 1, 2023)

Client, Employer, or Organization: Spectrum (Undergraduate Research Journal)

Name of Contact: Crystal Snyder

Email: spectrum@ualberta.ca

Phone Number: 780-492-4183

Website: http://www.spectrumjournal.ca

Job Title: Production Editor

Job or Opportunity Description: Spectrum is an interdisciplinary undergraduate journal at the University of Alberta, managed through the Undergraduate Research Initiative. Spectrum is open to submissions from undergraduate students from any post-secondary institution, and is a venue for students to showcase the work they have completed over the duration of their undergraduate careers. The day-to-day operations of the journal are coordinated by a volunteer board of student editors.

Spectrum is currently seeking a volunteer production editor for the 2023-2024 academic year. Production Editors are responsible for formatting accepted submissions in a consistent template, making corrections to galleys/proofs, and performing final checks on the submission (e.g. formatting/proofreading) prior to publication. Submissions are assigned to Production Editors on an as needed basis, typically with a 2-week turnaround time. Editors would have the flexibility to accept/decline assignments based on their availability.

Production Editors should have experience or background in graphic design (web design experience is an asset, but not required). Production Editors must also have regular access to InDesign or MS Publisher software.

Estimated Compensation: $0

Application Deadline: September 01, 2023